Elotero is made up of vendors and spotters. Vendors registered on Elotero sell you their food. While spotters are people like you, who mark unregistered vendors on the interactive map.
We support all types of street food vendors. Such as: eloteros, raspaderos, tamaleros, palateros, taqueros, hot dog vendors, popcorn vendors, and food trucks. This list will continue growing over time!
Spotters and vendors both have profiles. You can follow other persons on Elotero, and if that person is a vendor you'll receive a notification when they are open for business. Vendors can also update their position on the interactive map on demand.
Spotters mark different types of vendors they spot on Elotero's interactive map. Clicking on a pin on the map opens up an interaction menu.
As a user on Elotero you are able to submit reviews for vendors. You can also verify a vendor on the interactive map to notify other peers that the given vendor is still at that given position.
As a vendor, you are able to grow your list of followers by posting pictures of your merchandise on your profile feed. Other users can freely like or comment on your posts. Normal users can also post things as well!
The vendor menu displayed upon clicking on a pin on the interactive map allows you navigate to that given vendors position in real-time.
Spread the gift of Elotero and give back to hard working street vendors.